Saturday, September 1, 2007

Post Production begins on Click Clack Jack

The time is 4:00pm and Keith and Ryan are finally sitting down to begin editing Click Clack Jack. After returning from CA in January each has been totally consumed by their busy lives. Click Clack Jack always on the forefront of their minds, it took time to regroup and clear their schedules enough to devote the time needed to edit. Today their was a brief time of rejoicing followed by prayer and then immediately they dove in editing the first of 50+ scenes. It is so exciting to see these two again colaborating on this their first of many projects together. I am amazed all over again at how HUGE our God is. The amount of talent and dedication, the obedience and the perserverance in this room is inspiring. These two men have never looked back. God has used this project to broaden our view and build our faith. As we scan through the scenes, we are reminded of the amazing talent and creativity of our crew, the ones that helped to bring this story to life. Much more to come on this exciting project... We would love to hear from our cast and crew! Thank you all again.

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